Book Review: A Change of Heart ( The Heartfelt Series Book 2) by Adrienne Vaughan

  • Book: A Change of Heart ( The Heartfelt Series Book 2) Kindle Unlimited
  • Author: Adrienne Vaughan
  • Publication Date: 16/02/21
  • Purchase Link
  • My Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

✨About The Book✨

Maeve Binchy meets Jackie Collins’ in this unputdownable rollercoaster read, filled with action, adventure and romance.

Escaping to a remote Irish isle, journalist Marianne Coltrane had not bargained for a tumultuous affair with movie star Ryan O’Gorman. When Ryan leaves to pursue his career, Marianne remains to care for those who need her most, but Ryan soon realises he cannot live without her and returns to woo her back .Tricky enough without his problematic ex-wife or the contract he cannot break, but when a good deed puts all they treasure in jeopardy, it’s time to take stock and fight for what matters most … or is time running out for this charismatic couple and everything they hold most dear?

Following the acclaimed debut The Hollow Heart, A Change of Heart is another exciting read. Laced with glamour and intrigue, this beguiling tale is filled with characters you’ll love and laugh with all over again. Book II in the Heartfelt series.

✨My Thoughts✨

The author kindly sent me copies of this series but the review is my own thoughts.

I enjoyed book 1 so much and the ending had me swooning but the title of this second book had me fearful, A Change of Heart?.

After just a few pages I fell back in love with these beautiful characters, the story picked up right after the last book ended so you jump straight back in to the story and don’t miss a thing.

I was laughing my head off reading this, especially with Miss MacReady and her usual antics but this book really made her the star of the show.

I loved the mystery element to this instalment it kept me on my toes and the twists and revelations had me so shocked.

The whole book is filled with so much laughter, love, and heartbreak.

I smiled at every single page, I was so wrapped up in Innnishmahon and its residents that I read the whole book in one day.

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